segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

Entends la douce nuit qui marche

I love the day, the yellow phoenix, but I love the terrible night.
I have two loves, and one is the day, the peace, the
brother-lover, the phoenix
he is covered with folding veils of silent fire
he sits and swells within a scroll of strong, harmless fire
that can fill the world, and that feeds me, so that I am the world.
This is the day, the gold food, my truth.I have two loves, and one is the terrible night
the cannibal carnation, the soft storm
beautiful, blind and black, invisible, alive and dead
the carnation face, the lullaby, the kindest poison, the prison.
Oh loud, loud is the night, the flower made of mouths
louder than the day, louder than my heart.
The sun falls, and at once there swings up from the ground,
in at the window
the night, the drooping thunder, the carnation.
It is a burst flower, its blood has burst it, the petals
are waving fans of soft blood.

It is the mounting night.

Brian Howard, Entends la douce nuit qui marche, via thebrightyoungpeople.

Mais aqui.

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